Dueling views of who killed Jimmy Hoffa

Three veteran journalists participating in a panel discussion at The Mob Museum on the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa challenged the…

‘Mob Town’ movie spotlights notorious Mafia summit

One of the major events in organized crime history, the 1957 Apalachin summit, a gathering of Mafia leaders at a…

Ernest Hemingway on gangsters

Here’s how the story goes: Two hit men, Al and Max, enter Henry’s “lunch-room” in a town outside Chicago, looking…

Review: ‘The Irishman’ great film despite historical questions

Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman is a great organized crime movie. It’s right up there with the director’s other great organized…

Sixty years later, ‘In Cold Blood’ murders still resonate

As the sun set shortly after 5 p.m. on December 30, 1959, a driver stopped a 1956 Chevrolet at the…

Is the new Martin Scorsese movie based on a true story?

Editor’s note: The Irishman, a Martin Scorsese movie, was released today in a limited number of theaters across North America…

Acting legend enhances lengthy Mob movie resume with ‘The Irishman’

Screen legend Robert De Niro, with a long list of classic Mob movies to his credit, has a lead role…

The Black Sox Scandal 100 years later

It was unseasonably hot at Cincinnati’s Redland Field for the debut game of the 1919 World Series. For the first…

Mob TV shows, movies put New York on center stage

When it comes to Mob movies and television shows, New York is in the spotlight again. Two television series focused…

Murder of Gambino boss triggered flawed theories

The evening of March 13, 2019, the relative calm of a residential neighborhood on Staten Island in New York City…